The Sona language

Sona is an international auxiliary language created by Kenneth Searight and described in his book Sona, an auxiliary neutral language, published in London in 1935. The word Sona in the language itself means "auxiliary neutral thing". Searight used inspiration from many diverse languages, including English, Arabic, Turkish, Chinese and Japanese, to create his eclectic yet regular and logical language. 

Sona is an agglutinative language with a strong tendency towards being an isolating language. The language consists of 360 radicals or root words and 15 particles, each of which represents a single unit of meaning. Every word in Sona can be decomposed into radicals and, conversely, new words can be constructed by combining them in various ways. Radicals, called "ideograms" by Kenneth Searight, are meant to represent symbolic ideas or groups of ideas, and this simplifies the language by connecting words to one another based on universal concepts.


Title page of the Kenneth Searight's book, published in 1935.

Sona language, 2025

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